Jul 27, 2021 | Mental Health
The following is an excerpt from my upcoming memoir, BrainStorm: From Broken to Blessed on the Bipolar Spectrum: I share it in response to the complicated question of can Bipolar II disorder be treated? Though no one has found a cure, Bipolar II can be successfully...
Jul 20, 2021 | Mental Health
The following is an excerpt from my upcoming memoir, BrainStorm: From Broken to Blessed on the Bipolar Spectrum: My most challenging struggles with Bipolar II disorder is the severity and unrelenting nature of the depression and how that is compounded by my Inner...
Jul 13, 2021 | Mental Health
The following is an excerpt from my upcoming memoir, BrainStorm: From Broken to Blessed on the Bipolar Spectrum: Socializing is excruciating when in the grip of Bipolar II disorder—but to what degree should I isolate? Wouldn’t it negatively affect my kid’s experience?...
Jul 7, 2021 | Mental Health
The following is an excerpt from my upcoming memoir, BrainStorm: From Broken to Blessed on the Bipolar Spectrum: There are many sub-illnesses and pathologies that accompany Bipolar II disorder. Here’s a story about one mine: I experience “excoriation,” a symptom of...
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