
From Broken to Blessed
on the Bipolar Spectrum
by Sara Schley

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Listen to an excerpt of BrainStorm, read by the author 


Thank you for taking a moment to get to know me, the person telling the stories, writing the books, that you will find here. My name is Sara Schley.

I am an organizational consultant for social and environmental justice, a mom, step mom, wife, spiritual teacher, outdoor leader, Shadow Work healer, business entrepreneur, published author, and more. I have the extreme privilege of white skin in America which gives me access and allows me to benefit from these roles. I am also a Jewish woman, which comes with its own set of historical trauma and complexity! As well as blessing.

And. I have a bipolar II brain, a brutal teacher which has informed everything I do and who I’ve become in my six decades around the sun. I have mostly kept the truth of this in the closet, fearing the stigma. After close to 40 years wrestling with the shame, I am coming out.

What They're Saying About BrainStorm

“You have written a masterful autobiography about your lived experiences with Bipolar Disorder II, poignantly capturing the lack of understanding about Bipolar Spectrum disorders. . .  It will be hugely helpful to have a first-person narrative account of what it is like to live with BD II available to increase awareness and decrease stigma. Your story no doubt will inspire others who struggle with BD II. I fervently hope that your book gets published so it can be made available to a wide audience.”

— Dr. Holly Swartz, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh and Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Psychotherapy.

What They're Saying About BrainStorm

BrainStorm is an extraordinary, captivating, and unflinchingly honest depiction of Bipolar II Depression across a woman’s lifespan from the inside out. In order to educate the public and professionals, and reach across the deep chasm of stigma associated with Bipolar Disorder, we must all read this book. It will save someone’s life. 

— Annette Cycon, LICSW 

What They're Saying About BrainStorm

I read BrainStorm straight through while standing in the kitchen. This is a very compelling, very important memoir about the “other” bipolar disorder—the one hardly anyone knows about.                                
— Dr James Phelps, author, Bipolar, Not So Much


Thank you for taking a moment to get to know me, the person telling the stories, writing the books, that you will find here. My name is Sara Schley.

I am an organizational consultant for social and environmental justice, a mom, step mom, wife, spiritual teacher, outdoor leader, Shadow Work healer, business entrepreneur, published author, and more. I have the extreme privilege of white skin in America which gives me access and allows me to benefit from these roles. I am also a Jewish woman, which comes with its own set of historical trauma and complexity! As well as blessing.

And. I have a BiPolar II brain, a brutal teacher which has informed everything I do and who I’ve become in my six decades around the sun. I have mostly kept the truth of this in the closet, fearing the stigma. After close to 40 years wrestling with the shame, I am coming out.


With anxiety and depression reaching epidemic levels, we need to take greater care of our mental wellbeing.

When I write I promise to tell you the truth, vulnerable and raw. Sometimes funny, sometimes wise, sometimes painful. My favorite writers, Erma Bombeck and Nora Ephron, tell powerful stories that leave you laughing out loud. I like that combination and think of myself as on their team. I write business stories, like the tale of my seven year relationship with Eileen Fisher, the woman and the company. I write momma bear stories about raising twins and other wild-life. I write about the Sabbath as a practice for healing and renewal. And I write about BiPolar II.

To stay healthy with a BiPolar brain, I have learned to be super disciplined in self care practices: physical, emotional, creative, and spiritual. Through grace, they work most of the time now, and I am so happy to share these with you. No matter who you are, what your challenges are, they will help you. The 100s of people I’ve coached have benefited and I trust and believe you will too.

“Building back better with Covid” is calling on each of us to live our lives in greater balance. Believe me, BiPolar is the great teacher of balance.

Thanks for coming this far. I hope you’re inspired to read more. Please find my books, articles and blogs here. Enjoy!

— Sara

“Sara Schley is a force of nature. Smart, thoughtful, bold, she works fearlessly to better the environment and make the world a kinder, more loving place. A tremendous writer as well as an engaging speaker, Sara is unafraid to share both her triumphs and her failures in order to help people and the planet heal.”
Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D.,
author of Your Baby, Your Way and co-author, with Paul Thomas, M.D., of The Addiction Spectrum

Books by Sara


From Broken to Blessed on the Bipolar Spectrum

Secrets of the Seventh Day

How Everyone Can Find Renewal through the Wisdom and Practices of the Sabbath

The Necessary Revolution

Working Together to Create a Sustainable World