
Despicable Mitch, The Root Cause, Remains

Donald Trump may soon get his eviction notice from the White House, but the real problem, Despicable Mitch McConnell, remains. And there is only one solution to solve the real reason why our Democracy is in tatters: Win BOTH Georgia Senate run-offs in January.  Yes,...
Unplug for a day? Yes, it’s called “Shabbat”

Unplug for a day? Yes, it’s called “Shabbat”

I have some essential advice for you. It’s time to unplug. Really. Unplug for one day. Witness our lives of ever-expanding to-do lists, electronic messages, and devices. Enough to put any one of us on an exponentially accelerating trajectory of action until we’re...
Nature as a Teacher Continues to Guide Us

Nature as a Teacher Continues to Guide Us

Nature has been sustaining life for 4 billion years. As such, few things can guide us better than using nature as a teacher, not only in our home but in every aspect of our lives. It’s been a critical part of what I do in my own life, but it’s also been...
A love letter to Shadow Work®

A love letter to Shadow Work®

Tonight, my husband Joe and I are hosting and facilitating Shadow Work ® for two friends whose marriage is in trouble. If I were to write a love letter to Shadow Work how would I write it. Where would my life be without it? I grew up, like so many of us children of...
The right time to speak the truth about love?

The right time to speak the truth about love?

Do you ever wonder if “now is the right time” wnen you want one of those heart-to-hearts, to really speak the truth about love? Spoiler alert. It is. Always. “I know what I feel when I see what I write” my high school writing mentor, Margaret Metzger...